Document Type : Original Article


Agric. Eng. Dept., Fac. Of Agric., Ain Shams Univ., Egypt.


A simple method and technique for handling, storing and utilizing of biogas have been done. SI engine was modified to power a water pump for irrigation by using 100% biogas as fuel (gasoline starting). A gas mixing device was designed to meter biogas into air stream of amount dictated by the engine speed and the load to obtain a proper proportion of biogas and air that burn for SI engine operation. An inner tube of tractor tire was used for storing and handling biogas from the biogas digester to the engine-pump site. It was filled up with biogas by using a modified passenger car compressor.
Biogas was analyzed to determine CO2 percentage by using alkaline Ca(OH)2. The average percentage of CH4 and CO2 were found to be approximately 69.6% and 30.4%, respectively. The calorific value of biogas was calculated and found to be 29360.7 kJ/ m3. A comparison between biogas and the liquid fuel (kerosene and gasoline) was made. The results showed that at 2500 rpm engine speed, specific energy consumption under biogas mode was decreased by an average of 80.3% and 79% when compared to gasoline and kerosene mode of operation, respectively. The total pump efficiency of biogas operation was about 58%.


Main Subjects

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