Document Type : Original Article


Assoc. Prof., Ag. Eng. Dept., Ag. Fac., Mansoura U., Egypt.


This research aimed to develop and evaluate flipping and sterilization machine "FSM" for poultry litter. The developed was done on the base of rotary blades by adding a steam sterilization unit. The “FSM” attached with sterilization unit was an electrical heating wire. On both side of heater case a two fans were fixed for pumping hot air to poultry litter during flipping process. To avoid a dust and impurities that can be found during operating a flipping unit a filtration system was identified. Evaluation “FSM” performance were done at laying hens farm under fluctuates experiments that included; blades revolutions “Br” (240, 480 and 960 rpm), blades depths “Bd” (5, 8 and 10 cm) and litter life periods (6, 8 and 10 months) per using and un-using sterilization process (St). The measurements included litter properties as bulk density “D”, clodsize distribution “CD”, mean weight diameter “MWD” and total bacterial counts (BC) CFU/g.  All above parameters conducted less than three litter life from cycle period (6, 8 and 10 months). The results showed that using “FSM” reduced bulk density to 0.3 g/cm3 and the maximum percentage of particle litter size distributions of  “CD”  recorded 60.3%  with  “MWD”  of  < 2cm. and reducing microbial count to 105.7 CFU/g  under  “FSM”  operating depth of  5 cm with rotating shares of  960 rpm at litter life of 10 months from cycle period and using sterilization unit.


Main Subjects

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