Document Type : Original Article


1 Prof. of Agric. Engin. Dep., Faculty of Agriculture, AL-Azhar Univ., Egypt.

2 Prof. and head of Agric. Engin. Dep., Faculty of Agriculture, AL-Azhar Univ. Assuite, Egypt.

3 Assoc. lecture of Agric. Engin. Dep., Faculty of Agriculture, AL-Azhar Univ. Assuite, Egypt.


A single row tractor mounted sugarcane harvester was fabricated and tested in the field. The unit consists of a frame, a base cutter and windrowing guide. It operated by the tractor PTO. The experiments were carried out at shandawill experiments station, Sohag governorate to determine of machine performance.
The results indicated that:
1- Increasing forward speed from 2.37 to 3.75 km/h increased the total losses of sugarcane yield. Higher forward speed decreased cutting and harvesting efficiencies.
2-Decreasing the star wheel height of windrowing guide, the collecting efficiency increased.
3- Minimum total losses were 8.313 ton/fed. recorded at forward speed 2.37 km/hr and oblique angle of knife 30°. Maximum cutting efficiency was 98.46 %   and harvesting efficiency was 98.86 % achieved at forward speed 2.37 km/h and oblique angle of knife 30°. Higher the collecting efficiency was 70.69 % achieved at star wheel height 105 cm.

Main Subjects

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