Document Type : Original Article


1 Prof. and Head Res.,Ag. Eng. Res. Inst., Egypt.

2 Res., Ag. Eng. Res. Inst., Egypt.

3 Post Graduated Student, Ag. Eng. Dept.,, Ag. Coll., Moshtouhr , Banha U., Egypt.


The aim of this research was to study the factors affecting the cucumber seeds drying for planting by using the cabinet dryer, to utilize solar energy with optimum efficiency for drying crops, and to keep the environment free from pollution and save fossil fuel. Modern methods in grain and seeds drying are taken to improve the quality of the product in the process of germination.
Minimum and maximum average of hot-air temperatures in the loaded cabinet ranged between 41 and 50 °C. Relative humidities inside the cabinet of air-forced dryer ranged between 48 and 73 %.  The inlet air velocities were 0.51 to 1.12 m/s. Loss moisture content was 7.2 % over one day drying at the layer thickness 5 mm. The highest thermal efficiency was 63.7 % at hot-air temperature of 48 °C.
It was found that the germination ratio of cucumber seeds ranged between 97.1 and 97.4 % at different seed drying-times, temperatures and moisture-contents.
The minimum drying cost of 292 LE/ton was obtained by the dryer with a layer thickness 5 mm.  

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