Document Type : Original Article


Assist professor / Dept. of Agric. Machines & Equipment / Coll. of Agric. & Forestry / Univ. of Mosul / Iraq.


This study has been carried out at two stages, the first covered test and analysis of effective  method and Ansys program was used in the analysis. Maximum stress (Von-mises stress) and deflection were adopted. In the second stage the performance evaluation of the plow shares was considered practically in the field. The tests have been carried out in two types of soil (loam silt and clay) with moisture content of (10.3, 14.6 and 16.02%). Three shapes of plow shares were used for comparison; conventional, locally manufactured (Hoe and notched). The following factors were investigation; maximum stress, bending moment, draw-bar cut, soil specific resistance, friction power losses, fuel consumption. Results showed that the notched share in the loam silt soil under moisture of (16.2%) has the lowest value of stress, bending moment, draw-bar cut, soil specific resistance, friction power losses and fuel consumption compared to the hoe share which showed high values of the above properties in the soil (clay) with moisture content of (10.3%). However, the results of the conventional share showed higher values the considered properties than that of the notched share and lower values of that of hoe share.

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