Document Type : Original Article


1 Agric. Eng. Dept., Fac. of Agric., Ain Shams Univ., Egypt.

2 Agric. Eng. Research Institute, ARC, Egypt.


This research aims to study the effect of using the heating and ventilation system on the production and quality of tomato crop in winter season. Two different poly-greenhouse models were constructed at Al-Zahwiyyin, Egypt (ɸ= 30°15′N). It was equipped with heating and ventilation control system (treatment) and the other was a traditional greenhouse (control). Results of the experimental work show that the specific approach of heating and mechanical ventilation for tomato crop production enhances the rate of growth and increasing the fresh tomato yield by 57.69% comparing with control greenhouse. The quality of tomato crop of the treatment greenhouse can be noticed through the firmness and toughness value comparing with the control one. They were greater by 85% and 62.5%, respectively.


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