Document Type : Original Article


1 Post-graduate student, of Agric. Eng.,Fac. of Agric., Ain Shams Univ., Egypt.

2 Prof. of Agric. Eng.,Fac. of Agric., Ain Shams Univ., Egypt.

3 Assistant Prof. of Agric. Eng.,Fac. of Agric., Ain Shams Univ., Egypt.


This Research aims to obtain an appropriate management for bubbler-irrigation system in order to overcome the problem of its field emission uniformity is low.
The Experiment was carried out at the experimental farm of the Faculty of Agriculture, Ain shams University, at Shalaquan village, Kalubia, Governrate, on (70% canopy) for Citrus crop as the total area of tree equal 25 m2.
 Bubbler characteristic by hoses are anchored to a tree or stake, and hose heights are adjusted so that water flows out from all delivery hoses at about equal rates. Two heads of water in the tank (water source) 120 and 160 cm were examined then we found the results as follow:
1-   Field emission uniformity (F.Eu)
a-    At lateral length 45m field emission uniformity 42% and 68% at water height in the tank 120 cm and 160cm respectively
b-      It is found that maximum lateral line length for acceptable uniformity 89% is 30m.
2-      Irrigation requirement is 2868 m3/fed/yr
And water use efficiency equals 84 kg/m3/ fed

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