Document Type : Original Article


Assistant professor, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Damietta University. Egypt.


Uniformity of water application in drip irrigation system is one of the key criteria that affects crop production and economic operation of the system. Using emitters that introduce a poor emission uniformity (EU), may turn into a must in case of lack of financial resources because of its expected low prices. A field experiment has been taken place under sandy soil conditions on squash crop.  Three types of emitters G, T, and M were chosen as they had different EU levels acting excellent, good, and poor emission uniformity (EU). Network operation time was calculated basing on emitters’ mean flow rate (q\ave), average of lowest quarter flow rates (q\lq), and average of lowest half flow rates (q\lh). Crop production was significantly affected by emitter type while the base of calculating operation time did not significantly affect crop production. Crop production of emitter M increased by 25 and 35.04% by changing the operation time basing on (q\lq) and (q\lh) respectively. Energy use efficiency (EUE) for all emitters recorded its greatest values basing on (q\lq). G emitter gave the greatest value of benefits- cost ratio (B/C) compared to the facing treatments of the other two types. Emitter M recorded its greatest B/C ratio with q\lh which was also greater than all obtained B/C ratio of emitter T which had higher EU compared to emitter M.

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