Document Type : Original Article


1 Prof. of Power Technology and Machinery, Agric. Eng. Dept., fac. of Agric., Mansoura Univ., Egypt.

2 Literature of Agric. Eng., Agric. Eng. Dept., fac. of Agric., Mansoura Univ., Egypt.


The drum chipper prototype investigated as a tray for chipping the date palm leaves and to solve the residues problem according to pruning palm tree. Because of there are about 1.5 thousand trees scattering in the green garden areas at Mansoura University. It mean that about 45±7.83Mg per year of leaves residues must be take advantage of them by converting to benefit material (such as pellet bedding, livestock bedding, composter, or etc….) and on the other hand, to get rid of pests and rodents that live in them. The outdoor experiments conducted on the available chipper machine under five PTO revolution convert to relative five feeding and chipping drum speeds. The results indicated that, if need a homogeneous samples with pieces lengths from 5.0 to 22mm it is attributed to moving the chipping drum at 1961.40rpm (2717.5m/s). And if want to get out samples with pieces width ranged from 1.0 to 7.0mm  must regulate the machine to chipping at drum revolution of 2194.90rpm (3101.4m/s) Also, if require to get the pieces with thickness ranged from 2.0-3.0mm must adjust the chipping drum revolution at 877.96rpm (1240.6m/s). Following the previous instructions lead to reduction chipping drum speeds, which would lead to conservation energy.   


Main Subjects

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