Document Type : Original Article


Researcher, Ag. Eng., Res. Inst., Ag. Res. Center, Dokki, Giza, Egypt.


The aim of this research is to study the factors affecting a mechanical coating of sesame seeds.These factors are coating speed, temperature and time, and seed batch. The main results in this study can be summarized in the following points:
* The maximum sesame-seed germinations of 55.1, 65.3 and 55.8 % by using coating-unit speed of 28 rpm, coating time of 15 minute, coating temperature of 30 Co and coating with “Fe + Zn”, “Fe + Zn + Cersan” and clay respectively. Meanwhile, the minimum sesame-seed germinations of 2.1, 6.3 and  4.4 % by using coating-unit speed of 36  rpm, coating time of 65 minute, coating temperature of 70 Co and coating with the same constitutions respectively. The germination of sesame-seeds without coating was 50.1 %.
* The maximum machine capacity of coated sesame-seeds of 4.2 kg/h was obtained using seeds-batch mass of 2.5 kg and coating-unit speed of 36 rpm. Meanwhile, the minimum machine capacity of coated sesame-seeds of 0.85 kg/h was obtained using seeds-batch mass of 0.5 kg and coating-unit speed of 20 rpm.
* The operation and production costs at optimum parameters  (batch mass of 2.5 kg, coating-unit speed of 28 rpm, coating temperature of 30 0C, coating time of 15 minutes and coating with “Fe + Zn + Cersan”) were 10.63 L. E./h and 3037 L.E./ton.

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