Document Type : Original Article


1 Prof. of Ag. and Biosystem Eng. Dept., Fac. of Ag, Alex. U., Egypt.

2 Assistant Lect., Fac. of Ag. Saba Basha, Alex. U., Egypt.

3 Researcher, Ag. Eng. Res. Inst., Ag. Res. Centre, Egypt.


In recent decades, efforts have been intensified to find new fuels to replace fossil fuels. Among these fuels, hydrogen has drawn much attention for its advantages, particularly in terms of availability and cleanliness. It can be made using a variety of raw materials. (For example, biomass and water) and consuming a lot of resources, especially the electrolysis of water and the reformulation of natural gas. However, electrolysis of water combined with Greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced and hydrogen produced most cleanly using renewable energy sources. In addition, Fuel cells powered by hydrogen can be utilized to generate electrical and thermal energy. This work was carried out at the testing and research station for tractors and agricultural machinery in Alexandria Governorate. The purpose of this work was to test the influence of some factors on hydrogen production from the electrolysis process to identify ideal conditions for the electrode interaction area and the space between the electrodes, which is represented by the gasket thickness and the water used, which resulted in the highest production and the least energy consumption. From the results, we noted that the best production of hydrogen gas is 242.68 liters per hour when using a reaction surface area of 300 cm 2 with a 2 mm distance between the reaction slices and sea water as an electrolyte.


Main Subjects

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