Document Type : Original Article


1 Prof. of Ag. Eng, Ag. Eng. Dept., Fac. of Ag., Fayoum U., Egypt.

2 Assist. Prof., Soil Sci. Dept., Fac. of Ag., Fayoum U., Egypt.


Reference to the rapid increase in the population of Egypt, the agricultural policy in Egypt aims to increase the productivity of edible oils to compensate  the shortage in locally produced oils from field crops, and to meet the increasing demand for these oils as one of the important foods for humans, and given that agricultural mechanization contributes well to reducing the time needed to perform agricultural operations, as well as obtaining higher productivity at lower cost, so this research was concerned with trying to reach the optimum conditions for soybean production under the conditions of Fayoum Governorate. The results showed that the suitable agricultural practices for soybean production were: plowing depth of 25 cm, planting distances of 70 cm x 20 cm, and irrigation period of 18 days, where productivity reached 1,829 ton fed-1. power requirements were 87.78 kW.h ton, and costs amounted to 3,326 pounds ton-1, and an energy cost of 37.90 pounds kW.h-1.


Main Subjects

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