Document Type : Original Article


1 Prof of Agric. Eng., Fac. of Agric. Zagazg Unvi., Egypt.

2 Senior Res Agri. Eng. Res. Inst. (A.R.C.), Egypt., Egypt.

3 Assoc. Prof. of Agric. Eng., Fac. of Agric. Tanta Unvi., Egypt.


 A self- propelled compost turning machine was developed and locally manufactured from a low cost, local material to be suitable for Egyptian farms. Performance evaluation of the manufactured machine was carried out in terms of compost density, composting time, machine capacity, energy requirements, final product quality and turning cost.
The machines performance was studied as a function of change in machine forward speed, rotor peripheral velocity pile height and number of compost turning per month. The experimental results reveal that final product quality and turning cost were in the optimum region under the following conditions:
- Machine forward speed of about 1500 m/h.
- Rotor peripheral velocity of about 240 rpm.
- Pile height of about 100 cm.
- Number of compost turning of four times per month

Main Subjects

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