The Effect of Sprinckler Irrigation and Surface Irrigation on Some Physical Properties and Yield of Corn for Spring and Automn Seasons

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor / College of Agriculture / university of Baghdad / Iraq.

2 Asst. Prof / College of Agriculture / university of Baghdad / Iraq.

3 Profitional / Ministry of Agricu / Iraq.


The experiment was conducted during spring season of year 2003, to evaluate the effect of sprinkler irrigation systems and surface irrigation on some soil physical properties including soil water storage, bulk density and soil resistance penetration, and plant properties including
root weight , plant height and yield of corn Zea Mays L., at the experimental station of Al-Rabei Agricultural Research Center Ministry of Industrg at, Al-Zafaraniyah, Baghdad, Iraq.Three treatments including sprinkler irrigation systems with three levels  including evaporate 50%, 75%, and 100% based on American evaporation pan class (A), represented as level one, two and three respectively with surface irrigation treatment. Randomized complete block design with three replications and LSD (0.05) was used to compare the means of treatments at 0.05 level.
The experiment results showed the following:
1-Sprinkler irrigation level three (evaporate 100%) showed asignificant increase in soil water storage and decrease soil resistance penetration for the two seasons hence improve plant growth and increase corn yield comparing with other treatment for spring season.

2- Sprinkler irrigation level three (evaporate 100%) and  Sprinkler irrigation level three (evaporate 75%) increase corn yield  comparing with other treatment for automn season.

Main Subjects

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