DEVELOPMENT OF A TRADITIONAL HETCHERY Part I: Control System of Ventilation, heating, Constant temperature

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor Emeritus in Agric. Eng. Dept., Univ. of Alex., Egypt.

2 Agricultural Engineer – Private Sector, Egypt.


The Purpose of this investigation was to develop the old conventional hatcherie whieh produces poultry chicks. The development was done on two steges to:
1-     devlop in active temperature, humidty, and ventilation control system.
2-     Develop a mechanical system to handle the eggs in trays and trollys, and to  provide easy turning mthods for the eggs.
Bassed on the heat balance calculations, the selected air handling unit was prorided to control temperature, humidity, and ventilation air.
Five experiments were conducted in sharkia and Fayouma  govrnates?. The experiments gave good results, for the first development in this area, and waiting the second development  to fulfil the study on the traditional hatchery.

Main Subjects