Document Type : Original Article


Assoc.Prof.of Ag.Eng.,Fac.of Ag.,AL-Azhar Univ. Cairo. Egypt.


This work was carried out of Agricultural Engineering Department, Faculty of Agriculture, West Mountain Univ. Libyan Arab. The problem was bring together broilers manure in ground holes for the front or behind pens, and its horrible disadvantage, and its environmental pollution. This research was carried out to seek the possibility of using broilers manure to produce biogas, keep out of the bad insect, minimizing environmental pollution and usufruct of this manure to got an energy. Broiler manure considered only as an activator factor for fermentation. The digester unit is cylindrical shape, It has 90 cm height and 60 cm diameter and its capacity was about 260 liters. After 40 days ( before produce gas) , the temperature, manometer reading and pH were measured.                     
The results indicated that, the broiler manure could be use for producing  
biogas, the biogas increased at 6.3 : 7.2 pH. By increasing manure         temperature about 10c˚, the fermentation process was increased and by agitation the biogas increased about 5 %. In order to keep of the environment, could be made a unit (digester) in every house and a small pen because it had a lot of manure, and the total manufacturing costs of the unit was about 100 L.D or 425 L.E.

Main Subjects

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