Document Type : Original Article


1 Assoc. Prof. of Ag. Eng., Fac. of Ag., AL-Azhar Univ. Cairo. Egypt.

2 present in Ag- Eng- coll. Of Agr. West Mountain Univ. Libyan Arab.


This study was carried out to investigate and predict how minimizing consumption houses' water. This research was carried on AL-Zentan vallage Khrian- Libyan Arab. From a declaration, the person consumption was about 70 liter water every day. In order to decrease this consumption, made three prencible experiments in order to chose a good outlet discharge diameter. Decrease the outlet valve of water from 12.25mm to 10, 7.75 and 6 mm, and measured the consumption rates.
The results indicated that, the best diameter was 10 mm, and the decrease ratio for the consumption was about 16.1 %. This decrease was compatible; modification of chock face waching-bain and chock of cooking room; this modification decrease consumption about 18.03 %. The conduct of the outlet of face waching-bain with (W.C) water-closet directly, decrease consumption about 20 %. By modification and conduction, abundance was about 38 % from consumption water and 38% from costs.

Main Subjects

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