Document Type : Original Article


1 Assoc. Prof. of Agriculture Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Minofiya University, Egypt.

2 Lecturer of Agriculture Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Minofiya University., Egypt.

3 Assoc. lecturer of Agriculture Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Ibb University, Yemen Republic.


Mathematical model was developed to simulate and predict the thermal behavior of the solar still which used direct solar energy for distillation of seawater. The simulation results obtained from this model was compared with the measured data to evaluate the present model. The main results of this research showed that there are slight differences between the measured and predicted values of the elements studied, which is resultant from changing of some factors affecting that are considered constants in the model such as the sky clearance, wind velocity and the salt concentration in the water in the basin of solar still. It can be concluded that the present model can be used to estimate the average total solar radiation and the thermal behavior of the solar still in any area with consideration the geographical location.

Main Subjects

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