Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant researcher in Desert Research center, Egypt.

2 Prof. Emt, Ag. Eng. Dept., Fac. Ag., Benha U., Egypt.

3 Assoc. Prof., Ag. Eng. Dept., Fac. Ag., Benha U., Egypt.

4 Prof. Doctor of water requirement, Desert Research Center, Egypt.


In general, irrigation by surface methods is the most common to supply crops with frequent application of water. Pressurized irrigation systems have been introduced in Egypt to develop new irrigation technology suited to limited water supply as well as to specific topographic and soil conditions. In this study, a field experiment was carried out in the Agricultural Experimental Station of the Desert Research Center, Maryut, Alex. Governorate during the two successive seasons of 2006 and 2007 .Five methods of irrigation were studied: , gated pipe(GP), surface drip irrigation, one line of drippers for one line of plants(D1:1) ,  surface drip irrigation ,one line of drippers for two lines of plants(  D1:2 ), sub surface drip irrigation, one line drippers for one line of plants (SD1:1) and sub-surface drip irrigation, one line of drippers for two lines of plants (SD1:2) .The irrigation methods were  conducted  under three water quantities (100%,70% and50%) of reference ETO calculated by modified Penman- Montieth equation ,with two soil water depletion levels (30% and 50%) of available water .The statistical analysis revealed  highly significant increases in all the studied parameters with increasing water quantities. The maximum fresh weights i.e. ,41.73,41.51and39.66 ton/fed./ were obtained  with SD1:1,D1:1and GP, respectively under water quantity 100% ( Q1) and soil water depletion 30% ( D1),in the year 2006 while the maximum dry masses of 8.23,8.2and 7.9 ton/fed. Respectively were achieved under SD1:1, D1:1and GP with Q1and D1 .In 2007, the maximum fresh   masses were, 42.55, 41.85and 40.53 under D1:1, SD1:1 and GP, while the maximum dry weights were 8.4, 7.98 and 7.27 ton/fed respectively .under D1:1, GPand SD1:1 with Q1and D1. The study showed that water use efficiency decreased by increasing quantity of the applied water.
KW: WUE, Evapotranspiration, Sub-Surface Drip Irrigation (SDI), Drip Irrigation (DI), Gated Pipe (GP), Soil depletion.

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