Document Type : Original Article


Senior Researcher: Agricultural Engineering Research Institute – ARC, Egypt.


The study aims to raise the level and efficiency of production by using the techniques of laser leveling and lining machines in wheat production in Sharkia governorate. These objectives were conducted through analyzing each of the following elements:
(1):  Identify the technical and the technological packages applied in producing wheat in Sharkia governorate.
(2): Measure the impact of the use of modern mechanization (Laser leveling and lining of land) on the economic variables.
(3): Determine the most important technical and economic factors that affect the production of wheat in the study sample.
(4): Identify the most important problems that hinder the use of technological packages for agricultural mechanization to produce wheat in the study sample in Sharkia and the possibility of finding solutions to these.
The study has reached the following results:
(1): The study showed that modern mechanization style is least cost style in terms of human and physical labor where they are estimated LE 638.84/ feddan and LE 762.76/feddan respectively.
(2): The results indicated that the use of agricultural machinery has significant statistical positive impact on agricultural service operations in wheat production.  On contrary, the technical codes of agricultural mechanization fall by using them, which shows a noticeable increase in the efficiency of the technical and economical production indicators.
(3): The research showed an increase in the production by about 242.39 thousand ardebs, save about 145 thousand ardebs of seeds, save about 202 million m3 of irrigation water, and an increase in the value added by about LE 132 million in Sharkia governorate in an area of 403,983 feddan, which shows the importance of the use of modern mechanization in the service operations in producing wheat.
(4): The most important factors that hinders the use of mechanization are the short supply of the machines and the far distances between the exhibiting show rooms and agricultural fields. This result was confirmed through the opinions of 30% of the farmers in the sample.  The   fragmentation of the agricultural holding sizes is another reason in the opinion of 26.67% of the views of farmers.

Main Subjects

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