Document Type : Original Article


1 Prof. of Agric. Eng., Fac. of Agric., Zagazig University, Egypt.

2 Assist. Prof. of Agric. Eng., Fac. of Agric., Zagazig University, Egypt.

3 Assist. Researcher, Water Management Research Inst., N.W.R.C. , Egypt.


The performance of three different irrigation systems (drip, sub-surface and sprinkler irrigation) in terms of actual irrigation water requirements, crop yield, water use efficiency and water saving was experimentally investigated under condition of sugar-beet planting in sandy soil.
Water saving through the use of the three irrigation systems was studied as a function of change in water regime (100, 75 and 50%) and planting dates (1 Oct., 20 Oct. and 10 Nov.).
Water saving was also recorded in the case of planting using compost comparing with the case of planting with no compost.
The experimental results reveal to the following:
- The highest amount of water saving was recorded under the use of sub-surface irrigation system with 50% water regime in the case of using compost and with delaying planting date to 10 Nov.
-  The highest values of crop yield and water use efficiency were found under the use of drip irrigation system with 100% water regime in the case of using compost and at 1 Oct. planting date.


Main Subjects

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