Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor: Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Technology and Fish Sciences, Al -Neelain (النيلين)University, Sudan.

2 Associate Professor Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Khartoum, Shambat, Sudan

3 Lecturer: Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Technology and Fish Sciences, Al –Neelain (النيلين)University, Sudan.


A computer programme was developed for the purpose of monitoring performance of centre pivot irrigation system. The program was written in “Visual Basic 6.0 Programming Language”. It was intended to calculate the main performance parameters of coefficient of uniformity (Cu), distribution coefficient (Du), and Scheduling coefficient (Sc).
For verification of the model, four field trials were carried out during the period December 2007 - July 2008 at four schemes using centre pivot irrigation systems. The schemes were Ras Al Wadi Al Akhdar Project (رأس الوادى الأخضر مشروع  ), El Bashir Company (البشاير شرکة), Tala Company (تالا شرکة), and the Arab Company for Agricultural Production and Processing (الشرکة العربية للانتاج والتصنيع الزراعى). The schemes were growing alfalfa, except El Bashir Company (شرکة البشاير) which was growing onion.
 Collected data were fed to the program. The program output was typical to that obtainable through manual calculation and could therefore relief operators from that burden. The program could offer a simple tool for calculating efficiencies for 


Main Subjects

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