Document Type : Original Article


1 Water and Soil Dept. (Agric. Eng.), Fac. of Agric., Fayoum Univ. Egypt.

2 ICARDA, Egypt.


This study was planned to evaluate the effects of operating pressure (P), spacing between sprinklers (S) and height of sprinkler above the ground surface (H) on the uniformity parameters[(coefficient of uniformity (CU),distribution uniformity (DUlq) and coefficient of variation (CV)] under center pivot system.The quantitative variables were (P20, 40 and 60), (S200, 250 and 300) and (H150, 175 and 200).
The obtained values ofCU and DU were higher under the highest P, closer Sand higher H. In contrast, CV was lower under the highest P, closer S and higher H.Both CU and DUlqwere increased with increasing the P and S, P andHand decreasing S with an increase H. While the CVdecreased with increasing theP and S, P andH.Also, decreasing Sandincrease H.
The highest CU values were recorded when thecenter pivot was operatedunder (P60,S200 andH200)and(P40,S200 and H200) without significant differences between them. Also, the highest DU and the lowest CV were recorded when the center pivot wasoperated under (P40, S200 andH200). So, it is recommended to operate the center pivot at (P40, S200 and H200) to save the pumping costs in studied area and similar conditions.


Main Subjects

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