Document Type : Original Article


Department of Agricultural Machine and Equipment /College of Agriculture and Forestry / University of Mosul, Iraq.


This study was conducted in the province of Nineveh during 2011 to study some technical and Technological indicators from the reality of agricultural power provided by the latest data and statistics issued by the Agricultural Department of Nineveh and calculate the values ​​of these indicators and compare them with the values ​​of regional and global levels, and included these indicators, the average ability of the tractor farm at the province level, provide mechanical power, the share of the tractor and the share of one kW power of the total area and the area planted in each agricultural division and province level and other indicators related to the rate of agriculture in the province. The results showed basic and province level surface area of ​​total arable amounting to 1730682 hectares and 93% of them dryland agriculture With 8252 tractor of different types and sizes, the average ability of the tractor agricultural 63 kW and index provide mechanical power 0.3 kW / ha of total area and planted 0.46 kW / ha for area planted and the share of the tractor from total area and planted is ​​209.72 hectares/tractor and 135.12 ha / tractor, respectively,
and the share of the one kW from the total area and planted is 3.32 hectares / kW and 2.14 hectares / kW, respectively, while the rate of exploitation of the land season in 2011, 64.42%, and the Center of the Division recorded the highest value in the availability of mechanical power to the total area and planted is 1.39 kW / ha, 3.71 kW / ha, respectively, and less tractor’s share of the total area is ​​45.15 hectares/tractor and planted is 16.97 ha / tractor, respectively, and less share of the one kW mechanic of the total area and planted 0.71 ha / kW and 0.26 ha / kW respectively, and recorded the Division of Baaj is less value for the index of the ability 0.07 kW / ha of total area and 0.17 kW / ha of the cultivated area, and the highest share of tractor from the total area and planted 787.3 ha / tractor and 365.16 ha / tractor respectively and the highest share of the mechanical one kW from the total area and planted  is 12.49 ha / kW and 5.79 ha / kW respectively.

Main Subjects

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