Document Type : Original Article


1 Prof., Agric. Eng. Dept., Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Egypt.

2 Assist. Prof., Agric. Eng. Dept., Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Egypt.

3 Assist. Lect., Ag. Eng. Dept., Faculty of Agric., Cairo University, Egypt.


The mechanization become as a basic input in all the facilities, stages and fields of the agricultural production which included the intensive poultry production, and as a basic step to design or develop any facility; the production analysis & study must be done. Therefore, the important physical engineering properties and the specification of the poultry must be studies which connect and affect on any used mechanical method which deals with that alive movable product. So, an experiment design made to study some important physical engineering properties for intensive birds under our local conditions in the Poultry farm in our faculty of agric. / Cairo university for three production cycle from September to December – 2009 and study the link and the effect of that properties on some other parameters which are considered as engineering base when there is any arrangement with the alive intensive poultry with using any mechanical tools. The experiment random sample consisted of 300 birds (Arbarecars – type1+) divided into 3 iterations, information on body weight and 9 body measurements was individually collected from all chickens sampleand by using (M Stat.) package to analysis the data; the targeted statistical parameters and measurements was indicated beside some other information. Also, three principal external indices were calculated (in %) the Stockiness, the Massiveness and the Long-leggedness.As a final point, indicate the value of the major 3 axis (X – Y – Z) for the sample and calculate the maximum bird space volume. Finally the important obtained results were as follow:

The maximum bird space volume was (0.11 m3) depending on the max values for each sample space axis.
The massiveness index gives ratio (1:5.8); the stockiness index gives ratio (1:1.3) and the long-leggedness index gives ratio (1:0.23).


The statistical analysis shows correlation with highly significant degree between most of the body measurements.
The following prediction equations can be used to calculate the important and targeted body measurements which have highly correlation and significant: 

      Total body width      =  -  7.484 + 0.029 Body weight
Stretching body height  =  + 5.669 + 0.017 Body weight
          Body length          =  -  2.957 + 0.019 Body weight
Breast circumference    =  +  0.58  + 0.021 Body weight

Main Subjects

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المراجع باللغة العربیة
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